Week Links in Education: May 13

Stories, particularly related to education in the United States, that caught my attention this week.

Serbia’s education minister resigned as the government struggled to contain the fallout from two back-to-back mass shootings—one of them at a school—in Europe’s most heavily armed society.

Has American mathematics instruction been led astray by inquiry-based learning? Some researchers believe so, proposing a “science of math” akin to the phonics-oriented “science of reading.”

A report from the Jewish Education Project showed that enrollment in Hebrew (supplemental) schools fell by 45% in the United States between 2006 and 2020.

In Tucson, Carol Kay—who came to the United States from Cambodia in 1981, when she was 15 years old, knowing no English—prepared to graduate from the University of Arizona alongside her sons, Harry and Anthony Chhieu. She wants to become a teacher.